Category: Social Media

Understanding the impact of social media

A great example of social media listening: Ocean Spray on Tiktok

In the past 10 years social media have changed the way we interact with each other.   I am sure you have noticed this too. If this applies to all of us – as consumers – it is about time all brands understand social media have influenced the way we interact with brands too. Surprisingly,…
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2010-2019: a decade of big changes

As we enter a new decade it’s a good time for a balance about social media evolution and their impact on the economy. I started this blog at the beginning of the decade when social media were starting to become broadly adopted right to focus on what I thought was going to have a greater…
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Interviewing Martha Rogers on Customer Experience

As business evolve and as the interaction with clients does too, following a broad adoption of social media, Customer Experience becomes more and more important. During the past World of Business Forum (one of the most important series of events dedicated to leadership) event in Milan, I had the privilege of discussing about customer experience with Martha…
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The #epicfail of Dolce and Gabbana: big trouble in big China.

Unless you spent the last few days on another planet, I am sure you heard about the incredible snafu of Dolce and Gabbana – the famous luxury fashion brand- with China. What happened? The brand Dolce and Gabbana, with the aim of promoting a forthcoming event in China launched on their social media 3 video ads…
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The consciousness of streaming.

One of the most interesting evolutions of digital in the consumers space has surely been that of bringing new ways of interacting with each other, and in a sense, with ourselves. I started this blog in 2011 to analyse the evolution of social networks. Social networks are not just the Facebook and Instagram or Snapchat, but…
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The Importance of Being Earnest

This is a long-due blog post. I started writing it just after at last year’s WOBI in Milan Rachel Botsman was on stage talking about trust. I am a big fan of social behaviours, which to me all start from how a single brain-thinking works. My favourite authors on these subjects are Eric Berne and Edward De…
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Digital and Mythological: from Unicorns to Highlanders

Intro Since the beginning of the digital era it was already evident to me everything was going to become unpredictable, while in constant evolution, and everything would have impacted economies, everywhere, both in places where digital is already broadly adopted and in places where it has not hit the road yet. And I believe the digital…
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Social media: are we missing an opportunity?

I still remember my first time in New York, a long ago, it was 2001. It was stunning an unusual to see all those skyscrapers high in the sky, shining at the sunlight and giving that sense of infinity and possibility. The same sense I felt when, later on, in 2010, I went to New York to…
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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest: an update

Have you read that post by BusinessInsider about how ridicously complicated social marketing has become? As a marketing (including social) person I have to admit they were not that far from the truth. Also, I keep asking myself how is that possible to recover from the crisis till all these new tools come up and…
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Survey Results: Social Media Budgets and Strategy 2011-2012

I decided to run this SocialNetConomy Survey on Social Media adoption and social media budget to understand where do we stand with social media adoption and understanding. And, most of all, what social media budgets have been for 2011 and what they are going to be for 2012. Since Social media today are the talk…
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